Dried figs

Country of origin:

Grammage: 250g

Product description:

They are especially valued due to a high calcium content which strengthens bones. What is more, they are full of pressure-lowering potassium and other minerals supporting cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and endocrine systems.

Dried apricots

Country of origin:

Grammage: 12,5 kg*

Product description:

Characterized by a high content of sugars and vitamins. They are a valuable source of boron - recommended for postmenopausal women. Supportively used in treatment of anaemia (iron+ vitamin C) and to fight cancer because of beta-carotene presence.

Dried plums

Country of origin:

Grammage: 10 kg*

Product description:

They have a number of valuable properties. Improve appetite and are beneficial for digestion due to the presence of pectins. Plumes have a fair amount of B-group vitamins so they soothingly affect the nervous system and improve mood.


Country of origin:

Grammage: 10 kg*

Product description:

They protect against osteoporosis because they contain boron and calcium. Magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and B vitamins improve concentration and increase immunity.

*The weight of the packaging can be tailored to your requirements.

Contact us

POL-ENSA Sp. z o.o.
ul. Słowackiego 1,
32-640 Zator
NIP: 5492199256
REGON: 120455472

Quick contact:
Office: +48 33 8412 058
Fax: +48 33 8412 000
Sale: +48 513 194 555
Logistics: +48 789 307 412

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